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Build your own React router alternative


Before building a router for React, let's clear something up.

Many would say why re-invent the wheel?

There are already of number of popular routing packages such as:

No doubt hundreds of developers have contributed their efforts to maintaining all these libraries.

So let me make a case for why it's worth our time to re-invent the wheel. There is a decision that we must make every time we need new functionality in our code.

Do we write the functionality ourselves or try to use an existing package?

There is a trade-off associated with each of these options. When evaluating which option is best, some of the things that should be considered are:

  • Difficulty to self implement the required functionality
  • What do existing libraries offer that would not be worth self-implementing
  • Is the package dependable (or unmaintained / unstable)
  • Does the library introduce too many abstractions (too much magic)

Considering the above points, my experience has shown me that routing libraries can often have many unexpected effects due to their abstractions. That in turn leads to issues which are hard to debug.

Given how easy it is to implement basic routing, I think it's better to maintain your own routing functionality that you can easily tweak and modify to suit your requirements.

If you do want to use an existing routing library, I highly recommend Wouter due to its simplicity, minimal API and easy to read source code. That should make it easy to work with and maintain in the long-term.

Building your own React router

Our basic React router will only have a few requirements.

  • Route component that renders a component for a given route pattern
  • Link component that changes route when clicked
  • API to programmatically get or modify the route

If you want to follow along, start a new React project however you like. The easiest way would be to use CodeSandbox.

There is also a working demo at the bottom of this page.

Installing dependencies

Our routing solution will make use of 2 other NPM libraries.

  • history - API for managing browser history (3.6kb gzipped)
  • querystringify - parse query strings in URL (0.5kb gzipped)

If you don't plan on using query parameters in your application, you can leave out the querystringify dependency.

Install these libraries with the following command

yarn add history querystringify
# OR
npm install --save history querystringify

Managing router state

Routing information such as the current path should be available globally where needed. For example, our Route and Link components will need access to this information.

To avoid passing down routing information as props to our components, we will need a global state management solution. To do this without including another library, we are going to use the context API in React.

For those not familiar, the context API is React's built-in state management solution. If you do not want to use the context API, you could re-write this with any state management solution.

The reason I picked the context API is because it works fine for this simple use-case and doesn't require an additional library.

Before we create our RouterContext, let's start by defining a quick utility function to convert our current browser location as provided by the history API to our router state.

import qs from "querystringify";
export function locationToRoute(location) {
  // location comes from the history package
  return {
    path: location.pathname,
    hash: location.hash,
    query: qs.parse(,

Once we have created that function, let's create our browser history and RouterContext.

import React from "react";
import {createBrowserHistory} from "history";
import {locationToRoute} from "./utils";
export const history = createBrowserHistory();
export const RouterContext = React.createContext({
  route: locationToRoute(history.location),

Our context is extremely simple. It will be initialized with an object containing the route property which is generated by passing history.location to the locationToRoute function.

With this, we can access path, hash and query throughout our application. Using this data, we can also build our own Route and Link components without the need to pass props down to them.

Now let's build the 2 most important components in any React routing stack.

  • Route - renders a component if the supplied path matches the current route
  • Link - navigates to the supplied path using the history API to avoid re-loading the whole page

To write these components, we are going to make use of the new useContext React API. This allows us to easily consume our RouterContext inside functional components. This is by far the easiest way to access context data at the time of writing this.

Let's see how we can write these components.

import React from "react";
import {RouterContext} from "./context";
export function Route({path, children}) {
  // Extract route from RouterContext
  const {route} = React.useContext(RouterContext);
  // Return null if the supplied path doesn't match the current route path
  if (route.path !== path) {
    return null;
  return children;

The Route component is very straight forward. It takes 2 arguments, path and the children to be rendered. It loads the context data route property and checks to see if the path argument matches the current route.path. If matched, it renders the children.

Our link component is very similar.

import React from "react";
import {RouterContext, history} from "./context";
export function Link(props) {
  const {to, onClick, children} = props;
  // Extract route from RouterContext
  const {route} = React.useContext(RouterContext);
  const handleClick = (e) => {
    // Dont' navigate if current path
    if (route.path === to) {
    // Trigger onClick prop manually
    if (onClick) {
    // Use history API to navigate page
  return (
    <a {...props} onClick={handleClick}>

The Link component only requires 2 arguments, to and children. The to argument specifies the location to navigate to when the <a> tag is clicked. We also spread the props argument into the <a> tag to ensure it's easy to customize the Link component.

With our Link component, we must also import our browser history to access the browser navigation API, in this case history.push(to). We supply a click handler to the <a> tag to navigate to the destination using this API.

The Router component

For our nested components to consume and modify the RouterContext, we must create a provider component. Letls call this the Router. Its purpose is to do the following.

  • Accept two props, routes list which is an object containing our routes and NotFound which is our 404-page component
  • Supply a value to our RouterContext using the Router state
  • Listen for path changes with history and modify Router state accordingly
  • Use our routes list to determine if no route matched and render the 404-[age]
  • Export all our routing functionality in one single file
import React from "react";
import {RouterContext, history} from "./context";
import {Link} from "./link";
import {Route} from "./route";
import {locationToRoute} from "./utils";
class Router extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    // Convert our routes into an array for easy 404 checking
    this.routes = Object.keys(props.routes).map(
      (key) => props.routes[key].path,
    // Listen for path changes from the history API
    this.unlisten = history.listen(this.handleRouteChange);
    // Define the initial RouterContext value
    this.state = {
      route: locationToRoute(history.location),
  componentWillUnmount() {
    // Stop listening for changes if the Router component unmounts
  handleRouteChange = (location) => {
    const route = locationToRoute(location);
    this.setState({route: route});
  render() {
    // Define our variables
    const {children, NotFound} = this.props;
    const {route} = this.state;
    // Create our RouterContext value
    const routerContextValue = {route};
    // Check if 404 if no route matched
    const is404 = this.routes.indexOf(route.path) === -1;
    return (
      <RouterContext.Provider value={routerContextValue}>
        {is404 ? <NotFound /> : children}
export {history, RouterContext, Router, Route, Link};

That's it, our very simple Router component that acts as a provider for our RouterContext and listens for updates to the browser URL.

Putting it all together

Congratulations! At this point, you have officially created a basic React router. How easy was that to understand? It's simple, lightweight, easy to maintain and easy to customize to your needs.

Now let's see how we can now create multiple pages in our React application. First, let's define our routes.

export const routes = {
  home: {
    path: "/",
  about: {
    path: "/about",

We could have used a simple array but an object structure like this is easy to extend. Later we could add authentication requirements or other useful data to our routes.

Now let's create our application.

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import {Link, Route, Router, history} from "./router";
import {routes} from "./routes";
function NotFound() {
  return (
      <p>404 - Not Found</p>
      <Link to={routes.home.path}>Back to home</Link>
function App() {
  return (
    <Router routes={routes} NotFound={NotFound}>
      <Route path={routes.home.path}>
        <Link to={routes.about.path}>Go to about</Link>
        <Link to="/unknown">Go to unknown route</Link>
        <div className="link" onClick={() => history.push(routes.about.path)}>
          Programmatically go to about
      <Route path={routes.about.path}>
        <Link to={routes.home.path}>Go to home</Link>
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);

That's all there is to it. A page with two routes / and /about. You can easily render your content for each page. If you visit an unknown page, the 404 NotFound component will be rendered.

Hopefully, you now see building your own React router is a very viable alternative to using an existing package. This implementation is so simple to reason with and best of all, for those familiar with React, there is no magic going on.

Working demo




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